Friday, March 29, 2013

A Holiday At Last

With the timing of this Easter season,
I am proud to say that Nate and I,
actually got to take a break today.

We rode our bikes down to our our sweet friend Steve's bike repair shop,
dropped them off for a spring time tune up, 
and then walked down to Granville Island for some breakfast from the Public Market.

From there we sat on the grass by the packed children's park
 and read in the sunshine...
Eating a doughnut bigger than our heads combined,
and filled with raspberry jelly ;)

We walked back along the sea wall home,
grabbed groceries, and I took a much needed nap in my cozy bed.

Days like this rarely exist in my life.
I am usually rushing rushing rushing to do everything and anything.
I think that this is a sign for the kind of summer yet to come. 
I am greeting it with open arms,
and counting down the 20 days left of school till its here in my grasp!

 Side note :
I also got to do a mini craft project this morning and update my summer fedora
just in time for the Easter services this weekend.
It had a small plain black band on it before which was very unexciting
so I changed it up for a twisted burgundy one (everything in my life is this colour),
and even went so far as to glue a little bird on it that had been fluttering around my apartment
for a while in search of the right nesting spot.
I think she may have found it,
and I am proud to have her there.

Nate and I (and my mom has decided to join us as well)
are headed to a 5 am Sunday Easter service at the Cathedral downtown, 
which is going to be tiring at first but so very uplifting in the end :) 
I went a couple of years back, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. 
What a way to wake up with the world, 
and celebrate Easter tidings :)

Goodnight all, 
time to put on a classic and curl into bed :)
Love Britt

p.s. Here is a little excerpt from my blog post in April 2010
when I last went to Easter mass at the cathedral.
It was also part of a month long goal I had to do something religious every Sunday,
whether that be the Krishna Temple, walking a labrinth, or attending a christian service,
to me it is all religious and fullfilling in the same way.
Its all about putting your heart in the right place :)

Week One :
Easter Sunday started off the month, and really was my inspiration for doing this goal. When I was in my teens, the Easter services were always my favorite services because they were always were about the goodness and light, rising from the ashes and darkness, bringing forth new hope for rebirth and a year ahead. This year has really been like that for me, so when I was faced with the opportunity to either go to my usual pagan festivities on Easter weekend or attend church for the first time in years, I took the chance gladly. Since living on my own I hadn’t been able to find a church that suited my needs as an adult. Although I knew that I wanted to stay with the Anglican faith for now at least no church really stood out for me. I had been inside Christ Church Cathedral a few times for various ceremonies, and since hearing that my neighbours attended it on a semi regular basis I decided to give it a shot, based also on its beautiful architecture and proximity to my house. I was surprisingly easily convinced by my friends not to attend the 10:30 service like I had originally planned but to instead join them for the oh so early 5 am one. The promise of an candle lit quiet service complete with warming bells, harmonizing choirs, and the lighting of the Easter candle via a bonfire on the front steps, made the waking up at 3:45 am part much more bearable. The service truly was beautiful and everything I had imagined in a perfect Easter ceremony, making it one of my favorite paschal holidays as an adult.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Morning Self Love

I like to start my mornings here...
Its my creative corner
My magic happens here
My recharging happens here
My happiness breeds here

I need this space

Do you have a space like this in your home? 
Where you can wake up in the morning,
brew some coffee, cut out sewing patterns on the floor, 
and watch some inspiring blogger videos? 
I hope you do :) 
It makes for happy hearts and minds
I hope you find your place today :)

Love Britt

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

So close

I am so close to graduating that I can feel it in my teeth (or maybe that was just my dentist appointment this morning).

I was getting really nervous about whether or not I would complete my degree this spring and have my plans go on for the summer and fall like planned. I guess when you get so close to something this  this exciting there is always some nerves and worry that go along with it. That natural impulse to just falter and run when the going gets tough. But I have made it over the hurdle. Only one more month left to go and that degree will be mine.

Since its crunch time I have been feeling the need to really buckle down. Have intense homework sessions although have them interdespersed by bouts of relaxing baths, coffee dates, and tonight a relaxing session of some stretching on my mat.

 Yoga and I, are old friends. There was a time where I was going to multiple classes a week and sometimes a couple of classes a day. I have since moved away from the practice with the pressure of school on my heels.

My man, does his yoga every morning. Sometimes even in my kitchen while I lie in bed planning out my work load. I love his dedication and he is such an inspiration for me to get back into the cycle of practicing on a more regular basis. Like the gym, I find that I will sign up for a membership and after the new car smell wears off in a couple of visits I lose my interest.

So I think for the summer I am going to take a cue from my man and work on starting up my practice again in the warmth of my home. Then I can also wear silly outfits with no make up, and play inspiring albums where I feel free to sing along when the mood strikes.

This was one of the songs that really inspired me on the mat tonight :


Very fitting for my end of school aspirations <3

Good Night!