Sunday, May 1, 2011

A weekend well worked, for a week well lived....

 (My kitchen in the early morning... its a wonder I even make it to work...)

I've worked everyday this weekend 
so that I can head to SaltSpring Island 
tomorrow with my favorite lady friends <3

But I have managed to sneak in a few roses to my mundane routine...

-A Yin Yoga Class on Friday night followed by a bonfire in my backyard,
with friends, expensive wine from the bottle 
and marshmallows on sticks

-Working on creating a bountiful beautiful garden in my backyard

- Building a fort in my room, and eating nachos in it 
whilst watching Fargo for the first time with my love <3

- GETTING AN iPHONE!!! Whoa! Totally confused but its awesome!

I can't wait for tomorrow to come, where all I am going to do is
garden, read, knit, sew, write, drink wine, and cuddle my favorite ladies <3 
SO much love,
See you all when I get back!
Lots of love Nymph 
oxoxoxoxoxox etc...