Monday, August 13, 2012

Weathering the Storm to Come

With the storm of September busyness waiting in the wings, I've been trying to relax and enjoy the rest of my summer before my schedule hits. September brings : my distant cousins out of town wedding, fringe festival volunteering, moving!!!, starting back at school, having my friend from the UK come to visit and stay at my place... just whole bunch of awesome with no time to breathe... but it will be worth it :)

Two things have helped with this...

1.) Last weekend Nate and I, went on a unexpected trip down to Portland with my lovely mother and sister. We were supposed to go camping in the suburbs but since the campsites were all booked up due to BC day, we decided to skip town and hit the gorgeous city of culture and trees...

Long car rides with ocean trivia cards,
free beers at hair salons,
new geeky classes,
brunching at mothers, 
knitting, knitting stores, and more knitting,
wandering Powell's with bellies full of voodoo donuts,
drinking in hotel rooms whilst watching shitty reality TV,
hitting the local poetry slam and getting surprised by a streaker,
and most importantly, 
getting to be with my loved ones whilst exploring a glorious city <3

2.) Since I am in the midst of moving, and my world has been turned upside down with cardboard boxes, I feel as though I am half living between my old place in my physical body, and my new place in my mind. So its interesting that I am feeling this urge to create and my mind is just running wild with ideas.... but my whole craft area is all packed up into said boxes and I have to wait until I've moved, and for that matter also gotten my craft table built for me. 
Instead of putting my hands to fabric and paper, I have been turning to cooking to explore my creative side. 
          The other night I made for myself : Corn on the cob with homemade garlicky walnut pesto, Parmesan kale chip and couscous with cubes of smoked tofu, tomatoes, spiced green olives and red onions... It blew my mind. I also washed it down with homemade mint lemonade with blueberries and strawberries... Delightful!

        I went out for dinner last night with my best friend Chelsea, to a new vegetarian restaurant in town called The Acorn, which further inspired my healthy food kick, with great uses of ginger, kale, tempeh, and polenta, I can't wait to try more of their menu.

        I hope you are all enjoy the rest of your long summer days, and eating many tasty treats on your weekday adventures <3 
 love Britt

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