Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween Fright

Halloween has come and gone quickly
much like most of this year has so far. 

I felt as though I did last year...
Kinda hit with it all of a sudden
and ended up not planning too much of a costume in time.

I chose to be half Wolf half Red Riding Hood,
and it didn't really come out the way I would have wanted it to...
So instead of fretting over a loss of Halloween this year,
I am just going to put my efforts into creating an amazing costume 
for my best friend Karina's Pirate Themed Birthday Party next month :)

The whole holiday in general I kept pretty low key this year.  With my sisters party, and ghost train last weekend, I decided to spend actual Halloween night at my parents house hanging out and watching horror movies and knitting with my Mom :)

My Dad really does it up right for Halloween!
Two fog machines, plus fog machine bubbles, tons of decorations,
lasers, black lights, and he even had songs from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" playing.

I love handing out candy and seeing all the little excited kids in their costumes,
it really is my favorite part of the holiday :)
And it was made even better by all the kids getting super excited over the music and decorations when they came up to our house :) 

What is your favorite part of Halloween?

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