Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Littlest Birds Sing The Prettiest Songs

Today was a day of much needed rest...

I traded my daily routine of treadmills and weightlifting for breathing and asanas.
I rolled out my yoga mat... prepared my space with fresh air and temple incense...
and put a cd that my love made for me last year (featuring this song which I love..)

I continued to turn my room into the space for my heart to rest...
I bought new plants, put up more pictures, and organized my closet into a clutter free zone...
I love this room more than I ever have any other space in my life... and feel so ultimately drawn to it, to the fact that I make excuses to come home on my break just to sit on my bed <3
I promised you all an review on Spool of Threads amazing sewing classes, so here it is :
SPOOL OF THREAD is AMAZING! Need I say more? Their classes are small (with only max 8 people to each one) so that there is tons of one on one teacher time. You can buy all the supplies that you need there before class if you have trouble finding something or have questions about the best materials to use. The teachers are super informative and helpful, making it easy to ask them stupid questions. And you get to walk away with a beautiful product, that you could ultimately sell it looks that good :) Here's one of mine! (The other one is already one its way across the world in a letter <3)
And it has lining and interfacing too!

I had alot of fun making it even if I did get a little frustrated with it at times... and I would totally recommend their classses even if their pricing is a little on the higher side... 

Well I think that is all for tonight as I just got home from my movie theatre volunteer shift (watched "Taxi Driver" for the first time and wasn't expecting it to be so gruesome!), and am now nestled in infront of the fire and going to start my book for book club next month :) 

Much love from your Nymph
     oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox etc

p.s. Just wanted to share as well that I was so lucky last week to have recieved at least one letter or postcard every day for 5 days straight! I am so truly blessed and I love my pen pals very much :)

1 comment:

  1. that pouch looks great! zippers are my nemesis... maybe I should take a class!
